Friday, August 20, 2010

CSR and Sustainable Energy Sector

ESCOBALT examines the contribution Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can make to building a sustainable energy sector.
ESCOBALT project aims at adopting common strategies and action plans based on the CSR concept and promoting rational use of energy as the basis for CSR, thus improving the sustainability of the energy sector. This objective is reached through development of partner co-operation and discussing the opportunities and difficulties of CSR in the energy field.

In this section, you can find outputs of the project activities and discussions. For more general information on CSR - including guidelines and resources for companies - please visit here.


Each of the ESCOBALT partner countries has prepared a survey on the current status of CSR in their own countries. These surveys describe the experiences that each of the countries already have in applying CSR and its pillars to the energy industry, as well as the difficulties and development focus points that can be identified. The surveys also include a list of CSR contacts in each country.

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